
The vacuum knowledge

The vacuum knowledge
First, the basic concept of vacuum
Vacuum technology, the "vacuum" refers to a given space, the gas pressure is below atmospheric pressure gas state, that is to say, compared with the normal atmospheric pressure, a gas is relatively lean state.
 The degree of vacuum is an objective measure of the degree of lean gas. According to the theory of vacuum technology, the vacuum level is usually represented by gas pressure. In the International System of Units, the pressure is Pa (Pa) as a unit 1Pa = 1N / m2. Another common unit as well as child care (Torr), millimeters of mercury (mmHg), millibar (mbar), engineering atmospheric pressure (kg / cm 2).
 Divided vacuum region is no uniform requirement, it usually is divided country:
Rough vacuum: (760 to 10) Torr
Low vacuum: (10 to 10-3) Torr
High vacuum: (10-3 to 10-8) Torr
Ultrahigh vacuum: (10-8 ~ 10-12) care
XHV: 10-12 Torr
 Relations care and Pa: 1 Torr = 1 mm Hg (mmHg) = 133.322Pa, 1 Pa = 7.5 × 10-3 Torr.
 Features vacuum region of their different applications are different, such as vacuum cleaners work in rough area, thermos bottle, light bulbs and other work in the low vacuum region, while the vacuum switch and some other vacuum devices are working in a high vacuum region.All of the vacuum pressure need the vacuum pumps,or vacuum system to reach,such as rotary vane vacuum pump,liquid ring vacuum pump,rotary piston vacuum pump,dry scroll vacuum pump and so on.


Phone Screen Antireflection Film Coating System Technology

Using the phone's color LCD anti-reflective protective film can reduce glare eye affected by external stimuli to enhance viewing comfort, and protect the eyes. The base of the phone is commonly used PC or acrylic substrate. Both the substrate as a color LCD screen protection, there are disadvantages of high reflectivity. Because without a coating of protective screen interface has a reflectivity of at least 4.2%, in bright light (such as sunlight) exposure, the intensity of the reflected light will seriously reduce the contrast of the display image. Therefore, such a surface coating on the protection panel antireflection film reflectance is less than 0.5%, will improve the clarity of the display.

In the protective screen surface were coated with magnetron sputtering (Vacuum c​oating) on a high refractive index and low refractive index films Ti02 Si02 film, the protective screen has a low reflection antireflection effect. Since the PC or acrylic substrate is an organic material, it should be in the range of deposition temperature of 30-35 ℃.

Coating process

(1) substrate -PMMA, PC.

(2) a two-story film system antireflection coating ten waterproof membrane. Membrane system.

(3) coating. Using continuous reaction magnetron sputtering deposition machine.

① Power: Si target IF power, Ti target with ten pulsed DC power supply.

② vacuum degree: access Ar, 02, a vacuum degree of 5*10-1Pa.

③ Temperature: 25-35 ℃

④ finally deposited waterproof membrane IAF3


Vacuum coating machine works system components

Up to more than just coating application equipment, vacuum coating machine is the most widely used vacuum equipment; vacuum coating machine works with different processes and different process that affects the operation. Vacuum coating machine vacuum systems, cooling systems, detection systems, coating systems; evaporation coating, sputtering and ion plating methods.

Evaporation by heating evaporation source so that membrane evaporate into molecules and atoms escape the need to coating the surface and cooled condensation product film.

The use of arc discharge ion plating technology, ignition source cathode under vacuum to form between the anode source and arc discharge, in the role of bias and reactive gas compounds attached to the need to form a film surface coating products.

Glow discharge sputtering, and ion plating different glow discharge will have a high-speed ion bombardment so that the target (the target is required to deposit the membrane), sputtered particles are attached to the need to produce surface coating products film.

These are three different processes vacuum coating machine works.

Vacuum coating machine parts and systems of the points:

Coating machine parts used in different configurations of varying degree of vacuum, for low vacuum coating machines, vacuum system only needs to be configured to meet the mechanical pump to obtain vacuum; high vacuum coating machines need to configure the booster pump, Roots pumps, diffusion pumps maintaining high vacuum pumps, etc. in order to achieve access and stability.

Cooling is an essential source of everything, vacuum coating machine in normal working internally generated heat, the temperature of the cooling system is responsible for balancing the role of temperature regulation.

Each step of measuring is essential, to ensure that the equipment is properly stabilized detection systems work in a predetermined condition, such as problems in time to troubleshoot.

In the vacuum coating, the error will cause the product to the final coating operation results, understand the working principle of vacuum coating machines and solutions for each problem is very important, this article is merged into a vacuum to introduce the principle of vacuum coating machine components and systems.