
Influence of the vacuum chamber vacuum coating machine deformation caused

To minimize the impact of vacuum coating machine deformation caused by the vacuum chamber, we will guide screw, and other transmission parts fixed on a rigid intermediate layer between the bottom wall of the vacuum chamber with the use of point, line, surface-active support, to absorb and isolate the strain, and set the strain compensation adjustment mechanism, before the system is evacuated, with reference to the theoretical data preset FEM provide appropriate compensation amount, so as to achieve equilibrium under vacuum.

In order to verify the results of the finite element calculation of deformation and compensation of the vacuum chamber were tested. The first step, the indicator is positioned outside the four walls of the vacuum table installed base point, when the vacuum chambers evacuated by a vacuum atmosphere, record changes in the amount of each dial gauge, after normalization for the use of laser self collimator adjust deformation compensation.

By leveling the Autocollimator shines a laser through the glass window of the vacuum chamber is fixed on the table illuminated mirrors, adjusting deformation compensation adjustment mechanism in the atmosphere, so that the reflected light beam enters the field of view Autocollimator reception record two-dimensional angular deviation. Compensation amount is calculated by the finite element (or the first step in measuring) the vacuum state again adjust, obviously, at this time of the reflected beam collimator has been away since the field to receive, but once into the vacuum chamber, the reflected beam again since entering the field of view of the receiving collimator, the record in this case a two-dimensional angular deviation. Both before and after the two-dimensional display of the deviation angle basically.

Lubrication table movement and the environmental impact on the vacuum table scan is in frequent movement Vice vacuum chamber environment, except that instead of sliding to reduce rolling friction coefficient, but the rails, screw, etc. deputy campaign between taking good lubrication is to ensure the normal operation of the cutting apparatus necessary condition for a long time. Vacuum lubrication methods are usually plated solid lubricant film and direct use lubricant coating is easy to destroy the rail movement precision, and complex process. To this end, we tested a commodity market - MoS2 lubricant lubrication, the lubricant is sprayed directly in the sub-surface of the movement, with a quadrupole mass spectrometer and analyzed the lubricant is volatilized in a vacuum gas main component.

