
Analysis Principle vacuum coating equipment

                             Analysis Principle vacuum coating equipment

Principle is the principle of magnetron sputtering vacuum coating equipment , as follows:
Colliding electrons accelerated in the electric field toward the substrate during in and argon atoms, a large number of ionized argon ions and electrons, the electrons onto the substrate. Argon ions accelerated in the electric field bombardment target, a large number of target atoms sputtered, neutral target atoms deposited in a film on the substrate.
Secondary electrons accelerated toward the substrate in the process influenced by the magnetic force of the magnetic field Lorenzi, bound within plasma region near the target surface, a high plasma density region, under the effect of the secondary electrons around the magnetic field the target surface in a circular motion, the motion path of the electrons is very long, constantly in motion the process of collision ionization of argon atoms with a large amount of argon ion bombardment target, after several collisions electron energy decreases, get rid of the shackles of the magnetic field lines , away from the target, eventually deposited on the substrate.
Magnetron sputtering is bound to a magnetic field and to extend the path of movement of electrons, the electrons change the direction of motion, increase the ionization rate of the working gas and the efficient use of energy of the electron vacuum coating apparatus.
Electronic destination just substrates, the vacuum chamber wall and the target source anode is electronic home. But generally the vacuum chamber and the substrate and the anode potential in the same. Interaction between magnetic field and electric field so that a single spiral electron trajectory in three dimensions, and not only in a circular motion in the target surface. As for the type of the target surface sputtering the circumferential contour, and that the magnetic field lines are targets of the circumferential shape of circular. Distribution of magnetic field lines in different directions will film a great relationship.
Coating machine manufacturers said, not only in the interaction mechanism magnetron sputtering magnetic and electric fields of work, multi-arc plated target ion source, a plasma source and so work under this principle. The difference is that the electric field direction, voltage and current magnitude only.

