
Vacuum coating machine skill requirements

Vacuum coating machine skill requirements
1, the equipment of vacuum piping and static seal parts (flange, sealing ring, etc.) way of planning should be agree with GB/T6070 rules.
2, in the low vacuum and high vacuum and vacuum coating room on the road should be equipment vacuum measurement regulation, each part of the measurement of vacuum separation. When found that the electric field of measurement forms that trouble, should in the measurement of the inlet device electric field shielding device.
3, if the equipment of main pump used for dispersion pump, on the inlet side of the pump should be installed with oil steam trap trap
4, equipment of coating room should be equipped with observation window, baffle equipment shall be available. Observation window should be able to observe accumulation is the source of the assignment, and other key parts.
5, ion plating coating accumulation is the source of planning what needs to be able to progress in the process of ionization rate and utilization rate of progress of coating materials, reasonable matching accumulation is the source of power, reasonable placement accumulation is the orientation of the source in a vacuum chamber.
6, the reasonable heating equipment, usually heater programming should be plated workpiece temperature rise evenly Shared.
7, artifacts should be with vacuum chamber body insulation, workpiece frame planning should make workpiece membrane layer
8, ion coating equipment should have artifacts usually negative bias and ion bombardment power, ion bombardment power should have resisted the abnormal discharge equipment, keep the operation safe
9, all the parts of the vacuum chamber to meet different potential between the size of the insulation resistance value, all the 4.4.6 according to GB/T11164-1999
1, environmental temperature: 10 to 30 oc
2, relative humidity: no more than 75%
3, cooling water inlet temperature: no more than 25 oc
4, cooling water quality: the city tap water or appropriate quality of water
5, power supply: 380 v three-phase single-phase 50 hz frequency 50 hz or 220 v (used by electrical demand and decide); Voltage shaking size: 342-399 v or 198-231 - v;
Hz frequency shake size: 49-51.
6, the compressed air equipment, liquid nitrogen, cold water, hot water, such as pressure, temperature, consumption, etc., shall be in the product use manual.
7, equipment, environment, air cleaning, there should be no corrosion or cause electrical appliances and other metal parts appearance caused between metal conductive dust or gas exists.

