
Why double door coater coating when two gate voltage difference is very big

Why double door coater coating when two gate voltage difference is very big
Should be a magnetron sputtering, but don't know whether I reaction sputtering, if is reactive sputtering, low voltage film slow is normal. Have not seen a similar coating machine, don't know whether two cavity is same? If not, there may be a flat place, but the speed is fast enough, show that the pressure is no problem. In addition, the stand or fall of magnet tests only target on the surface of the magnetic field strength is good, the higher the magnetic field intensity, the lower the voltage. Power supply is intermediate frequency or dc or rf, twin target, if not need to pay attention to whether the power cord connect anti? Made no mention of target's own reason, may be in the air oxidation, surface to sputter, with fine gauze after polishing time target practice.
In addition, the target water not too cold. When exposed to atmosphere are easy to be surrounded by water. Swap of vacuum coating machine equipment suggested that the two target location, so you can find out the cause of the target and magnet or coating chamber.


Vacuum coating machine equipment troubleshooting

Vacuum coating machine equipment troubleshooting
Processing of fault point to find the vacuum coating machine fault point can be processed according to local conditions, simple solution is to change, small to aprons, bolt; Big to valve, vacuum pump, can change as long as there is at hand. For part should be according to the requirements for welding, after welding has yet to confirm whether meet the requirement. Maintenance should pay attention to the link when maintenance should be paid attention to several links. Namely, disassembly, cleaning, testing and assembly.
Vacuum equipment, big or small belong to precision machinery equipment, it is very important. Remove the should follow the principle of light to take light put, can't foolhardy, must not use a hammer to knock. When cleaning parts to clean thoroughly, in order to identify problems and find out hidden trouble. Vacuum pump products and general machinery products have bigger difference, general machinery products more collapse chamfer, and the edges and corners of vacuum pump and clear, very easy to hurt the hand should be more careful, be sure to keep in mind. Don't pour the edges.
Inspection is a delicate work, every detail is not to fall off, any tiny place is likely to be the problem, so can't exist fluky psychology. Whether use gasoline or other solvents to clean vacuum pump parts, be sure to wait for gasoline or solvent volatilization completely to assembly. If the vacuum pump oil and other oil mixed solvent or water damage the performance, affect the performance of the vacuum pump. Aprons wipe up, be careful to check the presence of defects and cracks, the size is correct, wrong size will affect the sealing. Wherever the heating position of aprons, every time remove the cleaning must change, each interface such as oil pump, pump parts when assembly also need to take put down light; Screw the strength should be both, should from diagonal is tight. Dynamic seal multi-purpose shaft seal, shaft seal on carefully, check the shaft seal itself with and without defects, the sealing face whether level off, the shaft seal spring elasticity, thin in the inside of the shaft seal can be coated with a layer of vacuum grease on the shaft seal when the strength should be both, the shaft seal skeleton don't partial pressure, the partial will spill, leak, shaft seal spring don't squeeze, not the shaft seal spring shaft seal failure.
Pay attention to the shaft seal and shaft concentricity, some pumps are used for wheel connection, coaxality of wheel is very strict, assembly from all around the shaft to quantity, guarantee the parallel line. Roots pump is the key to adjust the gear two 8 type gear not touching. The walls of diffusion pump and spray tower had better use dry habotai after clean. Due to the domestic production of diffusion pump mainly depends on the length of the electric stove wire to control the temperature of the oil pump, diffusion pump oil injection is to consider the actual situation of local power grid deliberate to increase or decrease. Amount of different diameter size oil pump also has difference, low voltage power grid oil can reduce 2 mm, as long as it is clean steel rod or wire can be used to measure. Due to the difference on the manufacture and use, diffusion pump oil quantity are for reference only. Maintenance in haste, without even knowing the fault for granted to begin dismantling, had not added new disease, in addition to complicate the simple question.


What is the working principle of various coating way?

What is the working principle of various coating way?
What is the working principle of various coating way? In accordance with the coating for vacuum coating machine mainly can be divided into: evaporative deposition, ion plating and magnetron sputtering coating, so how do they work?
The formation of sputtering deposition technology is the use of vacuum glow discharge, accelerate the positive ions make its bombardment of sputtering target material surface phenomenon, make out the surface of the target material particle deposition to form a thin film to the substrate.
Working principle of evaporative coating is put membrane material in vacuum coating indoor, after evaporation source heating evaporation, when the evaporation molecular mean free path is greater than the linear dimensions of the vacuum coating chamber, the steam of atoms and molecules escape from the surface of the evaporation source, little impact of other molecules or atoms and the obstacles, can directly reach the plating surface of the substrate, due to the low substrate temperature, then condensation and film.
Tial principle is the use of vacuum arc discharge counts in the evaporation source technology, is the source of ignition under vacuum evaporation (cathode), and self sustaining formed between anode arc discharge, which emitted from the cathode arc light point cathode material of ions.
Vacuum coating machine company, points out that because of the current local concentration, lead to the joule heat to the cathode material partly ionization, such as explosive to bias in the work under the action of combined with the reaction gas, which is deposited on the workpiece surface is formed by plating layer.


Vacuum coating machine coating principle is what?

Vacuum coating machine coating principle is what?

Vacuum coating machine coating principle is what? Vacuum coating machine is the product into during equipment widely used, with the rapid development of electronic industry, vacuum coating machine, coating quality gradually improve, so that we use in our everyday life come into contact with the plating products more and more.
In a sense, vacuum coating was also determined by the vacuum coating oil, in the vacuum coating, coating oil mentioned strong adhesive coating and the role of the metal film, it is in pieces at the bottom of the coating, plating and surface coating in the plating.
1. Vacuum environment
Vacuum environment is affecting the efficiency and results of vacuum coating, it is well known that vacuum coating is conducted under high vacuum coating, unit with Pa, the existence of the higher vacuum gas is less, for plating pieces of the influence of the lower.
2. The coating process
Vacuum coating unit into structure and vacuum coating technology with the constant progress of science and technology, is widely used advanced vacuum evaporation coating, vacuum ion plating and magnetron sputtering deposition, and so on, technology has adopted by the difference between different products, should the particular case according to the product to choose cost-effective coating process, which directly affects the vacuum coating machine of price and cost.


How to buy vacuum coating machine, it is necessary to pay attention to

How to buy vacuum coating machine, it is necessary to pay attention to
With the vigorous development of the vacuum coating industry, also more and more high to the requirement of vacuum coating machine, because the customer's products are constantly upgrading, all kinds of new product material appeared constantly, all kinds of coating requirements more and more complex, we now buy vacuum coating machine pay attention to the following three points:
First of all, the processing power of the vacuum coating machine shell Seemingly cases do not have what difficulty, every vacuum equipment factory can work, but a lot of knowledge, a device of light is not enough to have good vacuum system, vacuum chamber if processing is bad (such as welding), that this equipment to buy back to the customer will have a headache, processing of bad equipment often appear a few small leakage, pressure is not stable, and even some puzzling problems (such as stainless steel plating on titanium as long as more than 3 minutes in furnace into purple, no more than is normal, this is we meet client instance). So here we sincerely recommend our customers to buy the vacuum coating equipment as far as possible choose processing strength of the manufacturer (have) of machining center and other processing equipment.
Second vacuum system configuration as the saying goes, a penny a points goods, price and quality is actually a proportional to the relationship, even if is the same function of the equipment, different configuration, the price must be different, configured vacuum coating machine, long service life and easy to operate smoothly, but the low configuration equipment, problems, foibles, seriously affect the production schedule.
The last is not package process, don't buy equipment.
This is one of the most important among three o 'clock, because the core of the realization process is evaporating source (target) or electron gun, etc.), ready to evaporation source to develop the stability of the coating process, don't understand the process of manufacturer also do bad to evaporation source, good evaporation source is through continuously to improve to make all kinds of coating research, craft do bad evaporation source also do bad, so come to the conclusion that do bad evaporation source manufacturer all need not consider. Generally buy vacuum coating machine, therefore, must choose a proofing coating machine manufacturers, to take samples to plating, plating out samples can reach their testing requirements, in combination with the appeal two decision to buy or not. Equipment manufacturers must do a good job in the factory before the church your own equipment operators after the coating process and equipment factory warranty free coating process consultation and guidance.


The development of the vacuum magnetron sputtering deposition

The development of the vacuum magnetron sputtering deposition
So-called sputtering can be in the charge particles (usually with positive ions of inert gas) to bombard solid surface (hereinafter referred to as the "target"), so as to cause the target material on the surface of the atoms or molecules to escape from it a phenomenon. This phenomenon is glover (Grove) in experimental study in 1842, the cathode corrosion problems, cathode materials have been migrated to the vacuum tube wall. Vacuum coating machine to use this method of sputter deposition film on the substrate was introduced in 1877. Using this approach, however, exist in the early stages of the deposition film sputtering rate is low, film speed is slow, and must be set on high pressure and the device into the inert gas and so on a series of problems. As a result, the slow development of nearly eliminated. Only in the strong chemical activity of precious metals, little metal, get a small amount of medium and compound material application. Until the 1970 s, with the advent of magnetron sputtering in a timely manner, making sputtering deposition has been rapid development, started to go the way of revival.
This is because the magnetron sputtering method by orthogonal electromagnetic field on electronic constraints, increased the probability of electrons collide with gas molecules, such not only reduced on the cathode voltage, and improve the positive ions on target cathode sputtering rate, reduce the probability of the electron bombardment substrate, thus reducing its temperature, namely with the "high speed, low temperature" two big characteristics. In the 80 s, although he appeared just ten years, it will stand out from the lab, truly entered the field of industrial production. And, with the further development of the science and technology, in recent years in the field of sputtering coating introduced ion beam enhanced sputtering, ion source using broad beam intensity flow combined with magnetic field modulation, and combined with the conventional diode sputtering formed a new sputtering mode. And, again will be introduced to the intermediate frequency ac power magnetron sputtering target source. This is called the twin sputtering targets intermediate frequency ac magnetron sputtering technology, not only eliminates the anode effect "disappear". And also solve the problem of cathode "poisoning", which greatly improved the stability of the magnetron sputtering. For large-scale industrialized production of the preparation of compound film provides a solid foundation. Revival and development of coating has rapidly in recent years as people quite a new preparation technology of thin film and active in the field of vacuum coating technology.


Vacuum coating equipment operation steps

Vacuum coating equipment operation steps
The operation of the vacuum coating equipment with reference to the equipment manual and vacuum coating machine each knob under the label instructions and dashboard pointer display. General situation is as follows:
1) check the vacuum coating equipment operation control switch in "off" position.
(2) open the total power switch, vacuum coating equipment power.
(3) low pressure valve. Open the charging valve, after hear air flow noise, start up bell valves, bell rises.
(4) fixed tungsten spiral heating installation. The PVDF film and aluminum plate fixed on the rotating disk. Put the aluminium wire wear in the spiral heater element. Clean up each position within the bell jar, ensure that no impurities dirt.
(5) fall in the bell jar.
6. Start the vacuum mechanical pump, vacuum coating equipment.
All landowners compound vacuum gauge power (compound vacuum gauge type: Fzh - 1 a).
A. "1" left knob clockwise rotation to point to the location 2 section of the heat.
B. low vacuum gauge pointer clockwise movement within "2", when the pointer to 110 ma, "1" rotate to the left knob to 2 section measuring position.
Today when the low vacuum gauge pointer within the "2" again moving clockwise to Pa 6.7, into the low pressure valve. "1" then left knob rotation to point 1 section measurement location.
Open cooling water pet-name ruby vacuum coating equipment, start the diffusion pump, heating 40 min.
Attending a low-pressure valve. Repeat all landowners action programs: "1" to point to the lower left knob 2 section measuring position. Low vacuum gauge pointer clockwise movement within "2", when the pointer to Pa 6.7, a high pressure valve (stem clockwise).
Such as low vacuum gauge pointer right within "2" to 0.1 Pa, gauge tube filament switch.
A. launch, zero measurement button "9" rotate to point to launch position.
B. lower left button "1" rotation to point 1 section measurement location.


Vacuum coating machine skill requirements

Vacuum coating machine skill requirements
1, the equipment of vacuum piping and static seal parts (flange, sealing ring, etc.) way of planning should be agree with GB/T6070 rules.
2, in the low vacuum and high vacuum and vacuum coating room on the road should be equipment vacuum measurement regulation, each part of the measurement of vacuum separation. When found that the electric field of measurement forms that trouble, should in the measurement of the inlet device electric field shielding device.
3, if the equipment of main pump used for dispersion pump, on the inlet side of the pump should be installed with oil steam trap trap
4, equipment of coating room should be equipped with observation window, baffle equipment shall be available. Observation window should be able to observe accumulation is the source of the assignment, and other key parts.
5, ion plating coating accumulation is the source of planning what needs to be able to progress in the process of ionization rate and utilization rate of progress of coating materials, reasonable matching accumulation is the source of power, reasonable placement accumulation is the orientation of the source in a vacuum chamber.
6, the reasonable heating equipment, usually heater programming should be plated workpiece temperature rise evenly Shared.
7, artifacts should be with vacuum chamber body insulation, workpiece frame planning should make workpiece membrane layer
8, ion coating equipment should have artifacts usually negative bias and ion bombardment power, ion bombardment power should have resisted the abnormal discharge equipment, keep the operation safe
9, all the parts of the vacuum chamber to meet different potential between the size of the insulation resistance value, all the 4.4.6 according to GB/T11164-1999
1, environmental temperature: 10 to 30 oc
2, relative humidity: no more than 75%
3, cooling water inlet temperature: no more than 25 oc
4, cooling water quality: the city tap water or appropriate quality of water
5, power supply: 380 v three-phase single-phase 50 hz frequency 50 hz or 220 v (used by electrical demand and decide); Voltage shaking size: 342-399 v or 198-231 - v;
Hz frequency shake size: 49-51.
6, the compressed air equipment, liquid nitrogen, cold water, hot water, such as pressure, temperature, consumption, etc., shall be in the product use manual.
7, equipment, environment, air cleaning, there should be no corrosion or cause electrical appliances and other metal parts appearance caused between metal conductive dust or gas exists.